Thursday, December 3

Vote Earth!

It’s a wonderful Thursday.


I could stare at the cloudless sky all day with the sun glimmering but I didn’t.  Rather went to the park with Anna and took some amazing pictures.


My favourite of the day and is currently my wallpaper:


It took my breath away.  I am mesmerized by this picture… by every single detail.  Wah!  I am starting to like myself more after this.  By the way, I don’t photoshop my pictures… all my pictures are realer than real originals.



Here is another picture of the same flower - slightly overexposed like always :p



Typical lotus picture… with a bug on it.



There are many species of butterflies living in Hongkong.  I’ve spotted only 2 today.



Haha and then here comes the turtles :p



And the last butterfly of the day :)


With a super lens, I felt like a magician.  The world is so full of colours and full of wonderful small creates, they are struggling with their lives to survive.  We human are stupid to bother with things that are out of our control!


It’d be good if you could vote the Earth then!!!  I have already voted!



See the world with peculiar eyes, people!


P.S. After my colleague girl saw all of my pictures, she said “This is Hong Kong Park?!  You photographed it like this?!!!!!” (你把它拍成這樣呀?!) HAHA and then both of us laughed our heads off :)