Sunday, February 22

Zhengzhou – Day 1 (20 Dec 08)


It was a warm (almost too hot really) and beautiful Dec day, I had my backpack on my back, camera on my neck and set off to Zhengzhou. My flight was leaving from Shenzhen Int’l Airport, so first I had to take a bus there. I was quite nervous as this was the first time I travelled to China, alone; and going to Shenzhen alone too.


It was surprisingly small, Shenzhen International Airport. I mean, with the word “international” in mind, I thought it would be as grand as Hongkong Int’l Airport… but hm, may be I was asking too much from China, haha! OK, I admit I’m very picky.


It was a 3-hour flight, there was this Hunan (fashionable) girl sitting next to me, she was glancing curiously at me so I broke the ice and asked where she was from, what was she doing in Shenzhen/Zhengzhou etc. She works in Shenzhen and was visiting her aunt in Zhengzhou. She was as shocked to see those short buildings as I was when the plane was landing. It was too remote… and, well, let’s put it this way, rural.


My cousin and her boyfriend picked me up from the airport and we took a bus to the main bus station then we changed to any other bus to their university. I could understand why they worried the guts out of them when I came back to their university after 7, that’s when the busses stop working :p (can you imagine how hard it was for me to leave anywhere around 5? It was terrible!)

That’s 2.7 Tower in the picture, shame we never got up.


This place reminded me so much of Shanghai. The roads were so open, so many shops. You could hardly see anywhere that OPEN in Hongkong. Oh we had super delicious (spicy!) grilled octopus there then, and super cheap!

So this was it for Day 1.