Monday, December 5

one flash, two shadows

This Sunday, Ioana, George, Yan and I (Po was missing since she never picked up her damn phones that morning - she missed a good day!) went to Sai Kung for a walk. The weather was so nice, we saw a lot of interesting things, like some cows (you may not even consider it interesting, but, as for us, who live in a city for so long, it's rare to see a cow - hm, occassionally, we do see 'traces' of cows, haha, but only when we go onto islands), a huge crab 'climbing' on the wall of a building, we saw a very funny aqua bike, a funny 'beware of cows' sign etc, things you will not see in a metropolis like Hong Kong...

Anyway, you can see more pictures of today on Yan's blog.. once she uploaded them!

Hm... George said I should try blue highlight on my hair because if you see it under the sun, my hair is slightly blue (is it so?). I might try, who knows? Ioana said I should try red instead of blue. (George asked Ioana 'why are you against blue?' made me laugh, they are a very funny couple!) I like the length of my hair though, a little bit shorter will also be considered!