Wednesday, December 27

Trip to Guilin

During my Christmas holiday, I went to Guilin, China with mum alone. It was a great trip if we didnt cheat by those 'oh-hongkongese-are-gullible' Guilinese tour guides!

Mum and I finally got up to this mountain and mum was so emotional that she nearly cried :) Oh, she said she loved my dad in this little video that I taped, haha! Chinese can be openminded!

Those 4 cute kids were there too up in the mountain! One of them actually watched the little video I made and couldnt help laughing along - even though he didnt understand our language :) Sometimes language is not a barrier at all if you're as nice as I'm! haha!

It really was a beautiful place!

Saturday, December 2

Contrast :)

This actually is a very funny picture, the contrast is pretty strong, notorious Yan at the back and nice me in front, haha! There were so many people visiting Gothenburg already, the pier was packed with people! Made me dizzy!
I'm definitely a sandal person!

Vessel Gothenburg

This is a huge vessel called Gothenburg which was haboured in TST. It was the first time in my life to see such a huge vessel/replica, and it's from Norway! We didnt go early enough that day to get tickets for a short 'sightseeing' trip inside though, I'd love to!

Sunday, November 26

Right after...

Right after I had my haircut today I headed home. While I was idling on the upper of the double-deck bus, I noticed the beautiful sunset of even day.

It was the bloody red... such a beautiful day on a warm November. Shame I didnt even go to Po's home to play PS2!

Then I bought 6 eggtarts home :) Do you wanna try them? They are quite tasty... Come to Hong Kong!

Saturday, October 28


The last destination of our trip ended in Holland. Holland in my mind is vivid, very colourful! I love Holland!


There are just sooooo many pictures in Germany... enjoy... hehe

Europe Trip

Hmmm. Finally I picked some pictures from our Europe trip... enjoy!
(ah, you can click on the picture to see the next)



Saturday, October 7

Yan and I

Yan looked rather silly... haha, she's all tan now!

I've got chocolate-like hands and sunburnt on my back!

Ioana and George

With Ioana and George... you can always feel the sweet atmosphere around them! I envy them, I guess :p

we human....

It's Ioana and her colleague/friend John-Phillip, well, I am not sure if I spellt his name right :p He's from France, got a degree in fitness :p Really no comment on that!

It's beauuuuutiful

It is worth all the pain I suffer! It looks so super unreal... it made me wonder how would it look like in heaven (if it exists)?

Eek, it's a bug.....

Yuck! It's a disturbing one, did you even see its spikes?! You see a lot of small creatures when you hike if you look close enough... can't say I appreciate seeing it, but it's not too bad knowing we have that kind of bugs...... no matter how ugly they look.

Red locust

It's a cicada, a.k.a. a locust! I think the name 'cicada' is really cool! Very exotic, haha. It was the first time ever to see a locust in red... was a rather small one and not really scared of human! I got real close to it but it was just there, not moving any inch..

Blue Dragonfly!

Went hiking... oh gosh, it was 'up is the only way'! So crazy, I was half dead when I got back down.

First time in my life seeing a BLUE dragonfly!

Monday, June 26

Good weather!

Didn't write anything or take any pictures for a while.

Anyway... this picture looks quite beautiful, pity I am not in a good mood...

Sunday, February 12

The Peak - the end of the day

We got lost a few times in those mountains (we dare not call for help, we didn't want others say we got lost even in Hongkong! Crazy heh?)! We walked to the other path to some other unknown mountains... luckily we got to talk to a guy who was so good to show us the way! The darkness came quite quickly as in early spring, I couldn't see even my friends faces even though they were walking beside me, we talked about our teeth and what toothpaste we should use in order to lighten up our teeth so that they would be visible even in the dark (like in ads), haha!

Anyway, there we are! Tired and hot!!

The Peak - On a Tree

Discovered this lovely tree while we were hiking, had a lot of fun taking pictures on the tree.

I think I am really good at climbing trees :D

The Peak - Pretty Girls

I took a good picture of my friends (on the tree). I personally think that they are pretty in this picture!

If there's anyone who wants me to take your picture, please tell me! I'd do it for free! haha~

The Peak - the nice weather

Weather was quite fine! It looked like some marshallmallow and made me hungry... Anyway, spring finally comes! Cheers!

The Peak - Hong Kong Castle

It was taken in the Peak, looked like a castle in hills :)

Po said we couldn't afford renting an apartment up there, it costs more than the total of our salaries... I don't mind living up there provided that I could drive :p

The Peak - View of Hong Kong

To those of you who don't know - I am a Hong Kong lover! haha! Po, Yan and I today decided to go hiking after such a cold (not really) winter! HK is poluted as you can see (annoying smog)... but, it's still a lovely city!

Actually, the wind was pretty strong (when I say it's strong, I really mean it's strong) and cold. I wasn't quite warm enough, but I did have a good time :)

Friday, February 3

Show off!

Yey! I love showing off! I learned some Photoshop techniques by which I made a barcode as my 'signature', plus lately I discovered an old (but useful) software which allows me to make 'picture frames', so I am now, officially, showing off! Ho!

Picture was taken when I was on a bus few days ago. It was in Kwun Tong. Just a snap shot though.

Note: To whosoever wants to beat me up, sorry, please don't, I am just a victim of the high-tech world! :p (I am glad my comment function is not working!)

Tuesday, January 31

Snap Shot (in a bus) - Kwun Tong

Alright, was testing some functions on my camera (on my way back from visiting relatives). Quite like this one... it was Kwun Tong by the way :)

Good view :)

Have a happy year of dog everybody!! I enjoyed 3 days off from work (can't wait till March baby!), didn't do anything that worth telling though - I went to visit relatives yesterday.

Hahaha! I think it's a good picture! (Glad there wasn't any underwear!)

Thursday, January 19


This evening I went to Central Library after work. Since I was quite disoriented, I asked Terry which tram should I take right before I left the office. There was one tram going to North Point, to make sure of this, I asked the tram driver if it'd pass Central Library. Yes, he said. I was walking to the entrance of the tram when it drove away... The driver wasn't very nice. Terry laughed when I told him after I got on another tram.

Many say Hongkers don't read, to which I object. We do read! Somehow the quality of people is degrading I must confess. For instance, I don't think I am as nice as my mother! haha! Anyway, this picture was taken while I was on the pedestrian bridge, there were some framed Chinese calligraphy as you can see from the picture :D

Saturday, January 14

famous spot :)

Tsimshatsui isn't my favourite spot in Hongkong, but I go there quite often.

This picture here is 鈭���舀��獢�... Everyone knows it :)