Friday, May 28

Another hour in the park…


I couldn’t love photography more.  Taking pictures makes me really happy, I am so contented when I could just shoot.


Anna and I went to Hong Kong Park (again, yes I know) during our lunch break.  It was a very beautiful day, summer has finally come :)  Sunshine, blue sky, white clouds and green grass.  My whole body was shining under the golden sun!


D90 really is an amazing camera!!!!!!  I’m lovin’it!


Let’s start the “just another Hong Kong Park” day tour :)



A testing picture.  I forgot how Nikon D90 was like, wow, the colours were so vivid - may be it had something to do with the beautiful weather!



This is my 3rd favourite of the day :)



The Koala building - Lippo Centre where I once worked.  Oh, I even bumped into my first Scottish boss, he was walking right pass me, probably didn’t recognize or see me.



CPL is a really great tool, it enhances the colours of the objects!  My best picture of the day!



The colour was too vivid it hurts my eyes.



So very 3D…………



My colleague told me she bought a heart-shaped pan.  When I saw the plant I immediately thought of her and wanted to show her this.  I suppose it’s a very romantic kind of plant :)



MY FAVOURITE FLOWER!  Have to capitalize it - just in case you forgot :)



This plant dazzles me…  it’s not dead!  This is how it looks!  Don’t you look down on it!


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The light captured my eyes right away when I saw the great big leaves (the left picture was my 2nd favourite of the day).



On our way back to the office…  It would be nicer to see Bank of China in the back though.  The composure isn’t bad :D



The weather was too good to be true.  I sneaked into the conference room with Anna, closed the door behind us and started shooting.  The main problem was the reflection.  I got good angles so it wasn’t so obvious.  :)  This isn’t a great picture but this is what I wanted to capture - what I see when I daydream in a meeting, HAHA!