Sunday, February 22

Zhengzhou - Day 2 (21 Dec 08)


On the second day, my cousin, Cindy, was travelling with me to Kaifeng. I remember it was a rather depressing day, everywhere was so misty, and so cold. I desperately needed a hat and a pair of gloves, my hands were freezing red and my hair was a mess because of the wind. In China, mark my words, I can’t look pretty.

That’s Cindy inside Long Ting Park. Ah yeah, I definitely have to mention that I used Cindy’s classmate’s student card in order to get the student discount :p I have no money! Those guys just stared at me back and forth, and it made me wonder… did they really think I looked like her classmate?



I never expected the weather to be so unbearably cold, I wished my hood could just cover all the way down on my face so that I couldn’t feel the cold anymore. The sun brought no warmth. The whole place looked very superficial to me… so designed for tourists, but there weren’t many tourists, we almost had the whole park for ourselves.



The whole park is surrounded by water. It would look really good in Spring or Summer if the weather'd be super!



HAHA! She and I were looking really dreadful in all those pictures taken in Yang Fu (楊府). It was just so freaking cold!



I don’t know what that is called in English… it was just like a pavilion for us then. Cindy and I decided we should eat something and after walking around in the park for a while we finally spotted a kiosk. We bought 2 cup noodles, haha, it just never came to my mind before that hot water could be provided when you buy cup noodles (it wasn’t like 7-11!), the best thing was, we just left the cups there and gone. HAHA!



OK, this picture looked rather nice, we had our noodle and rested, I was warm :D The water was freezing at the back though.



All those ancient buildings are super cool! If I ever dressed like a ancient Chinese I’d live there forever and become part of the sight, haha. I don’t want to ever live there :p Cindy was really scared of those carved stones in calligraphy.



Saw many couples taking their wedding pictures in the park. The reason they picked this park was beyond me, look at all those empty bony branches, see the misty gray sky, feel the icy cold! Well, I guess sometimes people just do things they can’t even explain themselves… It was really funny to see the bride putting some clothes on immediately after she got the shot done :p



Later on we went to Qing Ming Shang He Yuan, it was a replica to the famous painting, everyone was dressing like a Qing in there, it was quite big and interesting… We didn’t really have a lot of time to walk around the whole park. Cindy said it was so crowded in high season, I can imagine.



Hahaha I really looked like I couldn’t smile anymore in this picture! So fake so fake so fake :D



The view was very good but it also was super windy!



It really was too cold outside and we had problems holding my camera still to take pictures, so we went into this large old building and lucky us saw the performance timetable. After paid 10 Yuan for 2 seats, 2 cup of warm tea and waiting for half an hour, we got this 5-min live performance. Good-looking young kids playing some cool Chinese music instruments and some pretty girls dancing some Qing dance. It made me wonder if they’d perform too if there was no one watching.



Those were the instruments that they played. So talented!