Saturday, July 26

Book Fair

Went to Book Fair last night, it was the first time ever I went there on my own, it was almost like an adventure! I realised I'm more and more independent since I'm hanging around pretty much all by myself happily these days. It's a good thing, by the way :)

Check out what I've got in the Book Fair:

1) I am the messenger (wow, I've been searching this book for quite a while, last night when I saw it among a bunch of other books, alone, shining, my luck baby, I just had to grab it and never let go, haha!)

2) The Thirteenth Tale (actually I saw this for a couple of times in different bookstores around, I got this in Book Fair with 20%, so it's worth it!)

3) The Intellectual Devotional - Chinese version (well, this book I got rather randomly, quite an interesting read, yey!)

4) It's a b.wing card, wah, just so beautiful! I dare not tell my mum I bought it :p It's $75, just for the card!

One last item, I have to smile from my heart, this one:

It's a bag with a Cantonese slang (not exactly slang I'm afraid, but whatever), which means "as slow as a turtle (in term of speed that is)", haha, it's just so Joey-like! So slow! I'm lovin' it!

Being a good daughter, I even got 2 books for my lovely, cute mum, but well, you know, showing off is not my thing, so... HAHAHAHA! (Right, I'm just too lazy to take a picture, forgive me!)

Anyway, I really had a great time walking around anywhere I wanted to, oh, I even managed to meet Michelle and her parents then :) Didn't see them for so long...! They are as good as new, so good :D

Have a nice weekend, my friends!

P.S. My friend Scott said "Practise some guitar, Joey, don't read, you CAN read, practise some guitar!" haha, he's so lovely :)